
DATA 200: Data Systems for Data Analytics (Fall 2023)

  Eren Bilen
Office Althouse 104
Office Hours Calendly
M 2:30-4pm, F 9-10:30am
GitHub ernbilen

Course description

Welcome to Data 200! This course provides an introduction to the management and manipulation of database systems as it applies to data analytics. Topics include data query languages, relational database, APIs/webscraping, transforming and restructuring data representations. Upon successful completion of the course a student will be able to

We will make extensive use of Python and Anaconda distribution to generate graphical and numerical representations of data and complete data processing techniques using SQL.


Grades will be based on the categories listed below with the corresponding weights.

Assignment Points Percent
Exam #1 25 25.0%
Exam #2 25 25.0%
Take-home Final 25 25.0%
Homework 25 25.0%
Total points 100 100.0%

Steps to submit your assignment on Github

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